- Focus on curriculum
- Maintain a safe school environment that is warm and welcoming
- Teachers will be highly knowledgeable and work collaboratively
- Student attitude and motivation are supported by a success breeds success approach
- Parents are informed and actively involved in their student's progress at school
- Complete all requirements for Core 40.
- Earn a grade of “C” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma.
- Have a grade point average of a “B” or better.
- Earn 6 credits in college and preparation courses in a state approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following:
1. Pathway designated industry-based certification or credential, or
2. Pathway dual credits from the list of priority courses resulting in 6 transcripted college credits.
Complete one of the following:
- Any one of the options of the Core 40 with Academic Honors:
- 4 credits in two or more AP courses and take the AP exams.
- 6 verifiable transcripted college credits in dual credit courses from priority course list.
- Two of the following
- 3 college credits from priority course list.
- 2 credits in AP course and take exam.
- 2 credits in IB standard level course and take exam.
- Combined score of 1250 or higher on SAT, with a miniumum 560 in math and a 590 on the evidence-based reading & writing section.
- ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete writing section.
- 4 credits in IB courses and take IB exams.
- Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys: Reading for information, level 6; Applied Math, level 6; and Locating Information, level 5 (test names and scores will change)
- Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75
- Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass: Algebra 66, Writing 70, Reading 80
Almost all Porter County Career and Technical classes have dual credit opportunities. Many of our students leave high school with transcripted credits from Ivy Tech Community College and/or Vincennes University. These credits could help a student earn the Indiana Technical Honors and/or Academic Honors Diploma. We also have relationships with numerous proprietary, trade, or professional schools. To learn more about Vincennes University’s dual credit program, click here.
Career and technical education curriculum is developed based upon state, national, and business and industry certification standards. Programs provide students the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills in preparation for industry certification standards such as: American Society of Welders, Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), Certified Nursing Assistance (CNA), Electronics Technicians Association, International (ETA), Indiana Cosmetology License, Certified Dental Assistant (CDA), Cisco Certified Networking
Most schools provide school bus transportation to the Porter County Career and Technical Center. However, other programs may require the student to provide personal transportation to and from his/her home school. Students involved in a work study program will be required to provide transportation because of the training station (job) component during or after school hours. The best way to find out if transportation is provided is to ask your guidance counselor.
- PCCTE and the public high school you attend (Boone Grove, Chesterton, Hebron, Hobart, Kouts, Morgan, Portage, Valparaiso, Washington or Wheeler) make your class possible.
- Expect to pay for some book rental, workbooks, and possibly some miscellaneous lab fees.
- Certain fees are waived for those receiving lunch/book assistance.
- The highest out-of-pocket fees are associated with Cosmetology.
- Please contact PCCTE for a complete list of individual costs.
Still have questions? Contact us for help
- Have high expectations for all students.
- Encourage students to set goals and plan for advanced study.
- Prepare all students to succeed.
- Providing career guidance.
- Integrate work place learning whenever practical.
- Teach and support what employers expect of students.
- Prepare students to become future leaders.
- Encourage students to treat community service as an obligation of citizenship.
- Have Fun at Work
- Learning is Enhanced by Emotion
- Promote a Friendly Environment
- Catch People Doing the Right Thing
- Set Goals and Focus on Goals
- Praise Frequently and Honestly